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Latest News 

10% of our proceeds goes towards our Sustainable Mandate

January 2015


Committed toplanting the Kiri tree with Kiri, Inc.

Natural Gas Generators
Electric Turbines

February  2015

Matthew Yeh has announced new products from China's top producer in natural gas turbines.
May  2015
Lemuel Lo has established API certified downhole tools and equipment from Sandman Tools

Products and services

Utilizing proprietary technology, as a pioneer U.S. Renewable Energy Company, Lonestar Natural Electric specializes in natural gas conversion into electricity.

About us

Due to late 20th century deregulation, energy markets in the United States empower electricity consumers to vote for sustainability with their dollars.


As a sustainable energy producer, Lonestar Natural Electric contracts 10 to 20 year Power Purchase Agreements with local, state, and federal energy markets.


This unique flexibility in U.S. energy law allows Lonestar Natural Energy to sustainably produce and sell electricity to individuals, utility companies, and energy Co-ops.


Solutions for a healthier,

sustainable future

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